Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Where in the World is...?

In keeping with our "Summer Break" theme we have taken a peak into the Technology Staff's photo albums and we gathered some great pictures from all of your Summer Vacations. Looks like our staff has an insatiable desire to travel!
 Where in the world is Pam?

Where in the world is Terry?

Where in the World is Jason?

Where in the World is Monika?

Answer correctly where you think each staff member is and you may get a prize!


  1. Pam = Great Wall of China
    Terry - Paris, France
    Monika - Rome
    Jason - Grand Canyon

  2. Pam - balancing on the GWoC
    Terry - Le Tour Eiffel in Paris
    Monika - the Colosseum in Rome
    Jason - Grand Canyon

    What I want to know is where Terry got those shorts!!

  3. Pam = Great Wall of China
    Terry - Paris, France
    Monika - Rome, Italy
    Jason - Himalayas in Asia

  4. Pam = Great Wall, Beijing, China
    Terry = Eiffel Tower, Paris, France
    Monika = Roman Theater, Athens, Greece
    Jason = Mount Rainier, Washington, USA

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Pam = Great Wall of China
    Terry = Eiffel Tower, Paris, France
    Monika = Roman Coliseum, Rome Italy
    Jason = Himalayas

  7. Pam => Great Wall of China
    Terry => Eiffel Tower in Paris
    Jason => Himalayas (this ones hard!)
    Monika => Coliseum in Rome

  8. Pam is at the Great Wall of China.
    Terry is in Paris at the Eiffel Tower.
    Jason is at the Grand Canyon.
    Monika is at the Coliseum in Rome.
