Thursday, April 15, 2010

Save the earth, plant a tree!

Today is Part II of 'Brown Bag Lunch and Movie Day' as we watch the continuing story of  Wall-E at noon in the Alder Room. Bring your lunch!

Identify That Workspace - Part III
'Personality is everything in art and poetry.'
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Can you discover the "personality" involved in these final excerpts from Technology Services work areas? Points awarded for participation and accuracy!

And now for today's eco-friendly tip:

Tip # 9: Keep electronics out of the trash.

o Keep your cell phones, computers, and other electronics as long as possible.
o Donate or recycle them responsibly when the time comes. E-waste contains mercury and other toxics and is a growing environmental problem.

o Recycle your cell phone.

o Ask your local government to set up an electronics recycling and hazardous waste collection event.


  1. Party Blower - Terry
    Eeyore - Jill
    Flower - Janet
    Boat sail - Devone
    Lamp - Angela
