Thursday, December 15, 2011

Kudos for December 2011

Well, here they are - the last Kudos for the year, 2011 is ending and a new year awaits us!!

To Angela,

For collecting all of the 2011-12 ProQuest money for the first time in many, many years!

From: Anne

To Ben and Tuan,

Kudos to Ben! and Tuan! For so efficiently working on the Tech laptops ..... and  again!  and again!

From: Janet

To: Angela and Pam

Kudos to Angela and Pam for organizing such lovely Holiday Party of us all!

From: Janet

To: Angela,

Kudos to Angela for working on the refresh of our staff pictures!

From: Conn

To: Janet,

Thank you to Janet for handling all the complicated orders for our wildly popular iPad workshops!

From: Conn

Happy New Year!!!