Thursday, December 15, 2011

Kudos for December 2011

Well, here they are - the last Kudos for the year, 2011 is ending and a new year awaits us!!

To Angela,

For collecting all of the 2011-12 ProQuest money for the first time in many, many years!

From: Anne

To Ben and Tuan,

Kudos to Ben! and Tuan! For so efficiently working on the Tech laptops ..... and  again!  and again!

From: Janet

To: Angela and Pam

Kudos to Angela and Pam for organizing such lovely Holiday Party of us all!

From: Janet

To: Angela,

Kudos to Angela for working on the refresh of our staff pictures!

From: Conn

To: Janet,

Thank you to Janet for handling all the complicated orders for our wildly popular iPad workshops!

From: Conn

Happy New Year!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Kudos for November 2011

To: Anne and Angela,

For our first-ever Entirely Wireless Day!

From: Conn

To: Angela,

For contributing to the success of Private Schools Day!

From: Devone
To: Brian

For joining our extraordinary group.

From: Devone

To: Brian

For assisting Franklin Pierce to recover from the loss of a key IT staffer!

From: Tom

To: Jill

For her part in making this year's Private School Day a huge success.

From: Devone

To: Jill and Nola

Jill has constantly pushed the envelope for E-Rate marketing. Always looking for opportunities to get our name out there! Nola brings vast experience with contracts to the team and creates an un-stoppable duo!

From: Tom

To: Monika

For the outstanding work she is doing with the Highline District's Parental Portal and for publishing an excellent newsletter.

From: Devone

To: Pam

Kudos to Pam for helping with Private Schools Day!

From: Conn

To: Pam

For helping to make Private Schools Day a big success!

From: Devone

To: Jacob

For working his wizardry with the Seattle Public Schools Elementary Progress Reports.

From: Devone

To: Jacob

Impressive application updates for the Seattle Report Card App!

From: Tom

To: Ben

For receiving praises for our CFO and Superintendent Elect for excellent customer service.

From: Devone

To: Ben

For constantly providing excellent customer service. Agency staff regularly takes time to tell me what a great experience you provide them. Kudos!

From: Tom

To: Thomas

For always going the extra mile to keep our customers satisfied and for keeping our systems up and running smoothly.

From: Devone
To: Janet

Kudos to Janet for a spectacularly successful Private Schools Day!

 From: Devone

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Kudos for the Month of Septmeber 2011

Congratulations Anne and Angela. 

....for creating a service offering. SQLSoft instructor-led technical training, that will provide significant training cost reductions for ESD and for districts statewide.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

KUDOS to You!

This month's Kudos goes to:

Angela Parson, Dennis Roberts, Tom Howley, Thomas Tsang and Pam Bunker

"For a job well-done on the Destiny Server migration. The teamwork, dedication to the objective, and hard work is appreciated."
Thank you,

Angela Bolam
"Thank you for arranging for us to hold our retreat at the Landmark."


Friday, August 19, 2011

2011 TS Retreat

We are headed back to the Landmark Event Center for our annual retreat!
This year we will take some time to celebrate our successes over the past 12 months. Be ready to discuss what makes Teams achieve amazing results. We will take a look at where our department is going in the coming year as well as understand where we currently are. Our Department Work Plan for 2011-12 will be developed, and last but not least, you will set your individual goals for the coming year.
TS Staff Annual Retreat
August 26, 2011
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Landmark Event Center
23660 Marine View Drive South
Des Moines, WA 98198

Join your co-workers to share your thoughts, ideas and engaging conversations as well as a continental breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack. We look forward to seeing you at the "castle on the hill!"

Monday, August 1, 2011

Summer Kudos

Kudos for the sun just for shining for us today!


Kudos for:

Monika - Thank you for teaching our first Tech Services Lunch-n-Learn workshop!
Good job, Monika, on our Tech Services newsletter! From Janet

Jill and Pam - for decorating the table for Janice's Tea Party!

Jacob - For his very speedy response to fixing/updating our web pages. I have heard other departments sincerely rave about how quickly he responds to cries for help! From Janet

Devone - I appreciate your consciences & Focus on leadership of our department, helping us to get on track fiscally. I also appreciate your being so responsive to any issues brought to your attention & for being so open to thinking outside of the box. And Thank You for the lovely flowers at Pam's desk that cheer all who enter our department! From Janet

Janet - For handing all of our Tl21, Peer Coaching, and workshop arrangements with such skill and patience - despite her boss's procrastination......

Jill - Kudos and appreciation for her....
Heart for serving our ESD staff and school districts
Genuine passion for her projects (e.g, E-Rate)
Enthusiasm in working on our Techie Joy blog
Goodies that she and her hubby provide us
Positive, joyful attitude that pours over all
From Janet

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


We now have new KUDOS slips. Stop by the box and check them out.

Take a moment to think of someone on the team that you could give praise to or show appreciation too.

Grab a KUDOS slip, fill it out and put it in the box.

We will read the KUDOS slips on June 6th!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Kudos and Warm Fuzzies

April 2011 Kudos and Warm Fuzzies go to:

To: Angela - "Thank you for bring structure to unstructured situtaions."

From: Devone

To: Thomas - "Thanks for all the extra work you have been doing."

From Devone

To: Jacob - " I appreciate all the little changes Jacob has made on Marina to make it an even better program. It has made invoicing so much easier!"

From: Pam

To: Pam - "Thank you for using your strengths to our TS Dept advantage - like moving to the reception desk."

From: Devone

To: Jill - " I appreciate that Jill is always very prompt putting her time and service into Marina-it makes the billing cycle go so more more smoothly."

From: Pam

To: Janet -" I appreciate that Janet is always willing to pitch in and help with special projects and share her event planning expertise."

From: Pam

To: Andreeves -" Thank you for all yo do and sometime agreeing with me even when you think I am wrong. "

From: Devone

To: Jason - " I appreciate how you pay attention to detail and for all you do."

From: Devone

To: Monika - " Jobe-well done preparing the Auburn proposal."

From: Devone

To: Janet -" I appreciate how much you show your care and concern for people."

From: Devone

To: Jacob -" Thank you for Marina and for helping develop a new mission for ODC."

From: Devone

To: Jill - "I am enjoying watching your leadership skills emerge."

From: Devone

To: Jodie- " Thank you for your inquisitiveness, it really makes you a good researcheer."

From: Devone

Friday, March 4, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Lunch

Please let Jill know from the below list of ideas (or your own favorite Irish or green treat) what you will be bringing.

Main Dish - Jill
Soda Bread - Tom
Green Salad - Terry
Green Punch - Pam
Green Jello (Salad) - Andreeves
Dessert - Angela
Spinach Dip (w/bread or chips) Janet
Green fruit platter - Jason
Green Bean Casserole - Jodie
Chips and Guacamole - Monika
St. Patty themed plates, napkins, cups -Thomas

Again, these are just ideas - if you have a fabulous recipe that you are dying for us to try let Jill know. Hope to see the whole Techie group in green on the 17th!